Newsletter of the Framingham Amateur Radio Association June 2000, Vol. 67, No. 6

In This Issue
President's Message
Field Day 2000
Page 2-
QSL Card
Samir T99S, Silent Key
Page 3-
FARA - The Early Years
FARA Meeting Notes
and more...

President's Message
The rain shows signs of abating, and the grass is growing.  Must be time for Field Day!
The committee has already started meeting on Wednesday nights, but they can't do Field Day by themselves.  Much help is needed, for transportation, set-up, operations and tear-down.   Dick has promised that there will be 'chile", even if he's not physically present.
License in a Weekend was a tremendous success, due mostly to Ed's and Mary's organizing skills.  The teachers were terrific, the students were stupendous, and the pass rate was almost perfect!  We discovered that the new Technician question pool makes it much easier to pass the test.  The material is condensed and the students don't have to take two tests on essentially the same material.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all those in FARA who have made my work easier this year. 
I couldn't have done it without you.  Especially my vice president, W1RH, and his whole family.  I hear they are considering starting a direct mail advertising business.
Elections for officers for the 2000-2001 year will be held at the June meeting.  Please come and vote.
Thanks for a great year!

Peter, KA1AXY
Field Day 2000
By Bev, N1LOO

Four weeks and counting.  Not much time left to get this years FIELD DAY off the ground.  The committee (Dave, K1HT; Martin, AA1ON; and I) have been meeting Wednesday nights for the last few weeks and have the ground work in place.  We now need volunteers to help bring it all together.
We have decided to scale down our operation this year.  We will be putting up three 30' towers, using the wooden bases as supports.  We plan to complete one station at a time, ie put together the tower and antenna, raise it, and run the coax to the tent, then move to the next station. The idea is to minimize the time it takes to get a station on the air. There is no plan to set up a Novice/Tech+ station this year, but if there are those interested let us know.
There are still a significant number of tasks that need to be done before we even get to the site.  Most are small and easy to do in a couple of hours.  If everyone takes one task we will be ready to go in record time. Please, see me if you can help out in any way over the next four weeks, no task is too small and no amount of time in too little.
Field Day has always been and I hope will continue to be the major social and operating event of the year.  It has been part of what has made this club the great club it is and what sets us apart from other clubs.  I hope to see you there and I am looking forward to a great weekend.

Framingham Flag Day Celebration
By Bev, N1LOO

The Framingham Flag Day Parade will take place on Sunday, June 11, 2000. I am looking for a few more operators to help the committee with communication for the parade. We will meet at noon and you should plan to be done by 3pm. No ex

Thursday, June 1
This Month's Meeting

The DX Base Logging Program - A Live Demonstration From W1RH

Submitting Material to the Circuit

Material may be submitted for publication by sending it directly to the editor.  This can be done by phone, by US Mail, or via the Internet (preferred).  The deadline
for each issue is the
Wednesday, one week before the monthly meeting.

by phone
(508) 435-2055 (before 9:00PM please!)
(508) 910-5296

by mail

Robert Hess, N1UVA
1 Cold Spring Brook Road
Hopkinton, MA  01748

by internet

[email protected]

Continued on page 2...