MINUTES OF THE E.K.A.R.C. AGM – April 10, 2010


Held at Heritage Inn Ballroom.  32  members and guests present.  Chair: VE7CRJ

Welcome new members Bernie VE7BVT from Elkford and Randy VE7CRX from Cranbrook .


SICK OR INJURED AMATEURS: Blanche is having eye trouble.



MOTION:  Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting as corrected.

                        Moved VE7LOC  Seconded VE7 PST (after correction of VE7SKT’s call)



Ø      Registrar of Societies act received

Ø      Frequency Coordination dues notice received




Ø      January…Joe went to Golden rep. site, locks had been cut off, were replaced, nothing stolen.

Ø      Jubilee site stopped charging, resumed mid February.  Working well now.

Ø      Shaw Cable haven’t replied re: Morrissey Ridge contract.  VE7CRJ will contact them.

Ø      Ham course May 7th & 8th put on by the LDS Church

Ø      Guides on the air, after short notice a station was set up and the guides made some contacts.




MARCH STATEMENT:         Cash on Hand                   $ 0.00

                                                Maximizer Account           $15.52

                                                Shares                              $25.00

                                                I.N.G. Account            $8126.67

                                                Total                            $8167.19

MOTION:       Accept the Treasurer’s report as presented

                        Moved VE7NEK  Seconded VE7BVT.  Carried




Ø      Children’s Festival May 7th, need 8 people for security overnight

Ø      Meeting date moved from May 8th to May 15th due to Children’s Festival

Ø      Frequency Coordination dues to be paid.

MOTION: The Frequency Coordination dues be paid for this year.  Moved VE7NEK, Seconded VE7LOC.  Carried.

Ø      A big thank you to Joe and all his work on the repeaters and being the president forever.


MOTION: Adjourn.  Moved VE7LOC