World Times Zones
Home > Ham Maps > Time Zones
• This page contains maps of the world time-zones, and displays the current time in various locations around the world.
Local Time GMT-UTC Hawaii Alaska
Pacific Mountain Central Eastern
A map of World Time-Zones
Caracas Brasilia London Rome
Cairo Moscow Baku Dhaka
Hong Kong Toyko Sydney Auckland


  1. You can save this page to disc, and it will still work off-line.

  2. If the time shown in the 'Local Time' box is wrong, please check your computer settings.

  3. The time shown in the 'GMT-UTC' box takes account of daylight-saving, if this is set in your computer.

  4. Daylight-saving offsets are NOT shown for any other locations.

  5. Click HERE to download a very detailed, and very large World Time-Zone Map.

  6. A little-known fact, which is of interest only to people in India and Great Britain/Republic of Ireland: If you want to know what the time is in the other country, simply turn your watch upside-down !!! Yes, this really works, though only with analog, not with Digital Watches !
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