My little history...

When I was only a child I used to play with my favourite toy: a couple of walky-talky... In late 1994 I don´t know How but one day I was reading a newspaper and suddenly I saw in "Shell & Buy Used" Section a cheap second hand Radio transceiver. I did not know about this hobby of Radio but y bought that equipmet...

One of my first Stations: Supply Grelco 7/10 A, Super Star 360FM, Super Star 3900 Black, President Jhonny, Talky Jopix 80, Zetagi MM27, Sadelta Echo Master...

It was an old Super Star 360FM, a classic CB equipment, but I didn´t know nothing. I was half year in 40 CB channels, practising, making friends and learning about tecnic themes, antennas, equipments, Radio operation, etc. Then I get my first CB Licence (It was my student age and I hadn´t many money) I started in SSB operation and I discovered then my two favourited Modes: DX and Digital Comunications, also I joined Maik Uniform Group and Lima Oscar International.

My third CB equipment was an ALAN 87

I passed four years amazing a lot on this way, I thought all Radio was 11 meters, but then I started to listen about Amateur Licenses... Quickly in 1998 I obtained my B Class Amateur Award althought I had to wait one year to buy mi first VHF portable equipment.

Sadelta Memory PRO, con sistema de Grabación/reproducción de mensajes
Sadelta desktop microphone that I won on RADIO-Noticias Magazine

After this I began to practice Radio Packet, Repeaters, Satellite operation, APRS, etc. and my Station transceivers were better and better. Then in 2000 year I pass Class C exams for EC License and nowadays I have First class License and I am very active on Radio in differents ways and Bands as EA (contest, Digital modes, DX, expeditions, activations, etc).

My favourite place for DX Mobile only 2 Km from my Base
My old mobile station

Some of my QRZ´s have been: Charly 2 (on CB 40 ch), 30.RSG.01 (President of Radio Sierra Gaditana group), 30CQ651 (Polish group), 30QC46 (Quebec, Canada group), 30CT55 (German club), 30.COR.044 (Caballeros de las Ondas Radio), 30LO1702 (Libertad de Ondas, Andalucía Region Director), 30CB233 (, 30MU1439 (Grupo Radio España Maik Uniform, very good Spanish DX group), 30SD555 (Special DX´ers, the Best).

My old Amateur licenses (Yellow) and CB license (Green)

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