Last 48hr images (10min capture)
Last 48hr images (4Hr capture)

Sunrise/Sunset time in Gran Canaria

Monitoring frequency shown in capture image

(Please check image *date* to see if online)

Station located at Gran Canaria Island (locator IL28fd)

The capture updates every 10 minutes and the page will auto refresh

RX: Icom R72 - ANT: 12m (40ft) long vertical antenna

(grabber history below capture image)

10min grabber

Grabber Image

4Hr grabber

4Hr Grabber Image

Thanks everybody from the Knightsqrss mailing list for helping me to setup this grabber.

You are all real Knights: ZL2IK, W4HBK, G0FTD, WA5DJJ, KB5UEW, G3WKU, etc. (sorry if I miss somebody)