Muplexer DB0UV
QRV in China

From March to June 2000 I stayed in Beijing (Peking), China on a business trip. Thanks to CRSA ( the Chinese Radio Sports Association) I had the oportunity to visit and operate several amateur radio stations in China.
For some pictures have a closer look onto the follofing links:


At his page you will find pictures from operating BY1SK:

From March 2000 to June 2000 I have been operating from BY1SK almost every sunday from 08:00 to 12:00 GMT as DL5MCC/BY1SK.

QSL from BY1SK

That’s the QSL I used to confirm QSO’s with DL5MCC/BY1SK

BG1SUN and DL5MCC operating from BY1SK

Young students operating from BY1SK

SWL, BG1SUN, DL5MCC and Jxxxx operating BY1SK

BY1SK is located in a school in the south of Beijing (Peking), very close to TienTan - the Heavens Temple



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