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Radio Emetteurs de France
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Hans, DL1YFF
See also
(everything in German)


Some details about myself:

Some Personal Data
Name: Hans-Jürgen Bartels
Date of Birth: April 10th 1944
Place of Birth: Wernigerode/Harz
family status: married, a married daughter with children
education and profession: social science, pedagogical science, national economics, history, consultancy,
present QRL (except
sitting at the radio)
hobbies: Amateur Radio
ancient and baroque music (16th - 18th century)
reading books and newspapers
How to contact me
QRA: in Bielefeld-Hillegossen
by tel: ��49-521-131�-87
by fax: ��49-521-131�-89
by e@mail: imehl.jpg - 11831 Bytes
Some HAM - Data
licence class: 1 --- (former class B in Germany)
ex-calls: A25/DL1YFF
visited and worked in the following countries EA7   Spain
EA8/   Spain (Fuerteventura)
IK1   Italy
7P/   Kingdom of Lesotho
HH   Haiti
F   France
TL   Central African Republic
TN   (former Congo Brazzaville)
S2   Bangladesh
5H   Tanzania
5H   Zanzibar/Pemba Isl.
ZS   South Africa
V5   Namibia
9Q   (former) Zaire
equipment: HF-Transceiver
doublet-antenna 2 x 20m with open-wire-feeder
Versa-Tower (about 20m = 60 ft) with
Fritzel UFB-32 for 17m and 12m


At present I live and work in Bielefeld, in the northern part Germany.
I am member of our local Radio Club, the Ortsverband Bielefeld where I had been deputy chairman for a couple of years. Its call is DL�BI (text in German, for those who like to read German, will be translated later), the DOK-number is N �1, for all who collect DOK's. The club has about 150 members, and it is one of the oldest amateur radio-clubs in Germany, founded the 24th of August in 1947 with permission of the British authorities. That particular day, but in 1997, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the club, and even its very first chairman came around (he must be some 80 years old).

Anyway, where to go next is my preferable question I am thinking about, may be to somewhere in Africa or other parts of the world, if there is some time left for radio operation. The reason is, that I became member of the Board of Directors of the DARC, Deutscher (German) Amateur Radio Club, which is our national the German equivalence of the (e.g.) US ARRL. And that caused a lot of work and extra time. I left the board in September 2005; so I have some more time to be on the air.

That should be all for now. If you want to see some photographs about my activities at home, have a look at my pictures from DL1YFF, our Lesotho-DXpedition, click Lesotho.
If anybody likes to contact me, no problem, the com-facilities are mentioned above, or by e-mail to imehl.jpg - 11831 Bytes.


This site is permanently But it steadily goes on.
(To be continued)

Some of my Qsl-cards
With Berln-DX-Group in Valetta/Malta DL1YFF_new.jpg - 13297 Bytes older QSL-Card In the Center of Brazzaville (Congo) 

Some of my Qsl-cards
With Berlin-DX-Group Wolin Island With Berlin-DX-Group on Fuerteventura Island Children in Lesotho - 8097 Bytes typycal rural winter scenery in Lesotho - 10748 Bytes

Some of my Qsl-cards
In Botswana 2002.jpg - 156798 Bytes 			Helgoland Island 2002 EU-127 - 57441 Bytes Flug nach Madeira 2003 - 83069 Bytes CT3/DL1YFF

Some of my Qsl-cards
View to Monte Carlo from eh harbour Tour de France 97 in Folgensbourg Conil (Spain) 1996 - 156798 Bytes poel.jpg - 189660 Bytes

cqwwry00.jpg - 48700 Bytes cqwwry01.jpg - 46762 Bytes wpx01ry.jpg - 48700 Bytes




  You are visitor   on this site since the 3rd of June 1998. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for the visit. 

Seiten und Adressen
DL�BI Homepage | N �1-Vorstand | Jugendarbeit | N �1-Geschichten | Q-Gruppen | LINKS | Peilwettbewerb | Ausflüge | WABI-Diplom | Gesetze | QSL.NET | QRZ | DARC e.V. | Buckmaster | ARRL | Bielefeld
Any messages or suggestions to:   imehl.jpg - 11831 Bytes
Last revision: 20.08.2002
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Ich weise darauf hin, daß die auf diesen Web-Seiten verwendeten Soft- und Hardware - Bezeichnungen und Markennamen der jeweiligen Firmen im allgemeinen waren-, marken- oder patentrechtlichem Schutz unterliegen. Hier veröffentliche Bilder und Texte stammen von uns (� 1998) oder aus dem Internet (Freeware). Die hier dargestellten Verfahren, Anleitungen und Programme werden ohne Rücksicht auf die Patentlage mitgeteilt. Sie sind nur für Amateur- und Lehrzwecke bestimmt.
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Ich freue mich über Anregungen und Kritik.

� 1998 by DL1YFF. Beiträge mit Namensnennung des jeweiligen Autors.

Last revision: 13.11.2003