The St. Kitts Operation

We operated from the Bird Rock Beach Hotel  The staff there supported us in every way.  St. Kitts is "NA-105" in the "Islands On The Air" reference.

There were two independent stations running: Both were  Icom IC-706MKII. One was running an Ameriton AL-811h amplifier.

The antennas consisted of an AP8 vertical (all bands 80m-10m), a Mosley Mini 33 Beam for 10m/15m/20m) and a 160m balloon vertical, which we had to turn into an inverted-L after the balloon took of accidently in the early morning hours of Feb. 20.

Logging was done using 2 Pentium II Color Notebooks using the latest version of NA. 

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E-Mail Markus, DK5AX  (ex: DL5OBZ)