logo.gif (9443 Byte)

 sputnik.jpg (2065 Byte) RS-18

A few days ago the memorial satellite "Sputnik-41" (RS-18) has been launched by the Mir crew. It's main purpose is to get schools and ham radio operators in touch with the modern techniques of satellite tracking and communication. Sputnik 41 is broadcasting short messages at regular intervals in french, english, and russian language on 145.8165 MHz+- Doppler shift. Radio signals are strong and can be easely captured with simple (even vertical) antennas and standard ham radio equipment.

      3D animated satellite track (106 kB)        3D View of a few orbits around Jülich

Sputnik 41 sound track (154 kB)     Sound track of the pass recorded 24'th of Nov 1998

rainbow.gif (2115 Byte)

Kepler-Elements (tle's)

  visible passes calculation     Visible passes of the next few days¹

¹ all values calculated using WinTrak Pro

rainbow.gif (2115 Byte)

DJ9ZL's home page  73 Jürgen, DJ9ZL -[email protected], Packet: [email protected]