March. 30 2008  Ham  Meeting in Tostedt  QTH of Wolf  DL8VX



In March 2008 it became finally true, Uwe DL8QP and  I  DJ1XT visited Wolfgang DL8VX.

The visit was for a long  time planned.

Into annual RTTY Christmasround visits always planned, but we  were to be united always too busily around us on a date.

I think it am about 25 years ago, which I Wolf the last times  visited.

We had a marvelous day, the weather were excellent and for the  season warm.

Thank you at Wolf, it made a beautiful day from the HAM meeting.

here the extents of the tower become clearly

from left to right DL8QP DL8VX DJ1XT

the big Gun

The secret of the strong signal

the feed-line supports these girls