District 13 Net Script 
Calling all Radio Amateurs, Calling all Radio Amateurs, for the District 13 Net.

All licensed amateurs are invited to participate.

Your net control for this session is _____(call sign), my name is_____(name), and I am located in______(jurisdiction).

Is there any emergency, priority, or time valued traffic for the net ?  If so, please call now.
( take and clear before continuing).

Do we have any routine traffic to be listed ?  If so, please call now.
(if so, inquire as to any outlets listening and attempt to pass before continuing.
If there is traffic, and no one answers up at that time, be aware as much as
 possible while conducting the net, and  periodically call for a station to come
 forward to take the traffic).

The purpose of this net is to test the equipment and operator capabilities of Amateur
Radio Stations and Emergency Operations Centers throughout Virginia District 13,
as well as to pass information pertaining to  emergency radio operations.

This net meets weekly on each Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm local time on the
146.745 repeater, toned at 107.2.  Our sincere thanks to the Southwestern Virginia
Wireless Association for use of their repeater for the Net and other activities
in District 13.

District 13 is comprised of the following jurisdictions:

Alleghany/Bath, Botetourt, Craig, Floyd, Franklin, Giles, Henry, Montgomery, Patrick,
Pulaski, Roanoke City/County, Salem City, and Wythe.

This is _________ (call sign).  Do we have any mobile or portable stations to check into the net ? If so, please call now.
( take comments from these stations and clear ).

Prior to accepting general check-ins, I would would like to request that anyone with announcements or bulletins for the Net to please check-in now.
(Accept these check-ins and clear before taking general check-ins.)

We will now begin accepting general check-ins for the net by jurisdiction, beginning with
(your jurisdiction). Thank you for your patience.  Please state your call using phonetics,
your name, and jurisdiction, and if you hold any appointments.   All check-ins are
requested to remain for the duration of the net, unless excused by net control.
General check-ins from (jurisdiction), please call now.
( Accept check-ins from all jurisdictions BEFORE taking comments.  After all
jurisdictions have checked-in, ask for check-ins  from any ham, anywhere. )

( After clearing all that have checked in, begin with the following: )

For information or queries about the Emergency Radio Services ,  you are encouraged to contact your local juridictional appointee  or Fletch /K4DCF, District 13 D.E.C. at  [email protected].

All members of  Emergency Radio Services in Virginia are requested to keep
their registration information current and up to date.

This is _________ (call sign).  Are there any late check-ins or any additional traffic to be
listed ? If so, please call now.

We would like to thank each and every one of you that have participated with us
tonight, and for your interest in the  Emergency Radio Services  in the
Commonwealth of Virginia.

We will now return the repeater back to normal use, and close the District 13
Net at _______ (  time ).  This is _______( call sign ) now clear.

Click here To Download Net script

Note:  NCS stations may submit their reports via the NTS report option at the D13 website.