The Web Site of dh2nap!

Dear English speaking visitor!
This private home page does give some info about my hobbies and interests, a description of the place where I live and how to reach it, and some other things.
I'm from Germany and most of the visitors of this site (perhaps all) will be used to the German language, and because of me being too busy at the moment to do everything in more than on language, I'm sorry the text is manly in German.
That means: Everything but the HAM part of my site!

Many thanks to Al Waller, master of, for the service of this fine server!

hardly working... Ich bin irgendwie nie dazu gekommen diese Seiten so richtig ordentlich zu erstellen, indessen arbeite ich kaum noch daran...


 Amateur Radio


nach Fislisbach

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last updated: Jul 9, 2007


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