Automatic 10 minute station id



You can start and configure this function by using the "VOICE ID" button in the root program window (refer to picture 1.1).



(Picture 1.1 - 10 minute station id configuration)



Recording of different announcements:


You can record up to 10 different voice announcements in the left side of the window. You can re-play these recorded wave files at every time you need, by using the button "play x", where x is a number between 1 and 10. If you activate the checkbox "Turn on TX while playing recordings", the transceiver will be switched to transmit mode (TX) while playing the wave files. For this feature you'll need a special interface to connect your computers soundcard to your transceivers data in/out jack. The transceiver will be automatically switched back to receive mode (RX) after playing the wave files. This function is very interesting for contesters ! So it is possible to call CQ with just one mouseclick.


To record wave files you'll need a microphone hooked to your computers soundcard. To initiate the recording, please use the buttons "rec xx", the hifi-style toolbar in the middle of the window will be activated then. Please begin the recording by using the small button with the filled circle in the hifi-style toolbar. You can see an indicator for the length of the recording in the bottom left status bar. Now please speak into your computer microphone. To stop the recording, please use the button "Save announcement recording to .wav". Your new wave file will be saved to a hardcoded path (...\VOICETX\ANNOUNCEMENTX.WAV) in your FT847-SuperControl application path then. A description (date and time) will be generated automatically in the respective text box. If you wish to alter the automatic generated text, simply overwrite the text. If you wish to delete the text, so please do a doubleclick with your mouse on it. The text will disappear then. All the texts are saved automatically when you are leaving the textboxes. You can re-play your recordings by using the buttons "play xx". If there are textboxes with an entry of " - empty - ", there is no actual recording available for this row.



The 10 minute station id:


You can record up to 4 different station id announcements in the right side of the window. To save the station id announcements, please act as described above. You also can record cw-mode ! Simply use the internal FT847-CW-Keyer. Please also position your computer microphone in the near of your transceivers speaker and record your callsign in cw-mode. You can re-play these recorded wave files at every time you need, by using the button "play x", where x is a number between 1 and 4. If you activate the checkbox "Turn on TX while playing recordings", the transceiver will be switched to transmit mode (TX) while playing the wave files. The transceiver will be automatically switched back to receive mode (RX) after playing the wave files.


To turn on the automatic station id, please check the checkbox with the desired recording "Turn on 10 minute id (x)" and use the button "start automatic id'ing". A timer will be started then. After 10 minutes (600 seconds) the desired station id announcement will be played. Please make sure to activate also the checkbox "Turn on TX while playing recordings", to automatically switch the transceiver to transmit (TX) while playing the station id announcement.


You can end this function by using the button "stop automatic id'ing". You can leave this window by using the button "exit".