Memory functions


A tremendous feature of FT100-SuperControl is the possibility, to have unlimited memories for each memory-bank. For example you can find memory banks for the normal amateur radio bands 160m to 70cm (refer to picture 1.1), additional memory banks for broadcast frequencies, special HF frequencies and special 2m and 70cm frequencies (refer to picture 1.2). You also can find additional memory banks for HF-, UHF- and VHF-repeater frequencies (refer to picture 1.3) and you also can find additional memory banks for Satellite frequencies, dualband frequencies and beacon frequencies (refer to picture 1.4). Also it is possible to save memories with DCS, DEC, ENC, AZ and EL data. For this case you can find four special memory banks in the program (refer to picture 1.5). The AZ and EL data can be used to send the value to a second serial port, to activate a rotor via an easycomm-interface. For this feature, please refer to chapter 3 - The Easycomm rotor interface.



(Picture 1.1 - amateur radio bands 160m to 70cm)



(Picture 1.2 - additional memory banks)



(Picture 1.3 - additional memory banks for satellite-, dualband- and beacon-frequencies)



(Picture 1.4 - additional memory banks for HF- UHF- and VHF-repeater-frequencies)



(Picture 1.5 - special-memory bank for DCS, DEC, ENC, AZ and EL)


The usage of these memories is very simple. To activate an entry of a memory bank, simply click with your mouse on it. A normal mouseclick will put the entry (frequency and mode) to the VFO1, a doubleclick with your mouse will put that entry to the virtual software VFO2.



Saving of memories:


The saving of memories to your needed memory bank is very easy. For example if you wish to save an entry to the bank for amateur radio bands (160m to 70cm), simply tune in a frequency and mode you wish to save, then double click the button "Mem write" (refer to picture 1.5) to automatically save an entry to the corresponding memory bank (refer to picture 1.1). FT847-SuperControl� will take your choosen frequency and mode, and will automatically detect the correct corresponding memory bank, to save the data to. For example if you have a frequency of 144.562.500, a memory for the 2m bank will be saved automatically, if you have a frequency of 7.045.000, a memory for the 40m bank will be saved automatically. This will function with all other frequencies and amateur radio bands (refer to picture 1.5).


Would you like to save an entry to the beacon memory bank ? Then you should use the button "Beac write" with a double click.

If you want to save an entry to the repeater memory banks, you should make sure, that you have activated a repeater offset, otherwise the button "Rep write" is not functioning. There is also an automatic detection, which frequency should be saved to the corresponding memory bank. For example a frequency of 145.675.000 will be saved automatically to the UHF repeater memory bank, a frequency of 29.640.000 or 52.550.000 will be automatically saved to the HF repeater memory bank.



(Picture 1.6 and Picture 1.7 - buttons for the work with memory banks)



Legend: (refer to picture 1.6 and 1.7)