Receive DX-Cluster data via Internet



We can receive DX-Cluster data also via the internet, of course you'll need an established internet-connection or a DX-Cluster server in your local network, for this function.


With the button "DXCLUST" you can start the DX-Cluster-function. The following window will appear (refer to picture 1.1).



(Picture 1.1 - receive DX-Cluster data via the Internet)




Of course we have to kow about existing and working DX-Cluster-Servers in the internet, before we can use this function. Unfortuneately the predefined Servers are often unavailable due to the fact, that this service is provided by private people. To learn about existing new Servers, please often have a look to some Searchengines in the internet. If you do a search with the keywords "Telnet DX-Cluster" or "Internet DX-Cluster" i'm sure you'll find some interesting websites, where you can find additional information on how to use a Telnet DX-Cluster.


To be able to connect to a DX-Cluster-Server in the internet, you'll need at least the IP-adress and the port-number of the desired server. You can enter this data directly to the small textboxes "IP-Adress:" and "PORT-Adress:".


You can find a possibility to save some new server data to the program by going to the following window by using the button "Predef. IPs". The following window will appear (refer to picture 1.2).



(Picture 1.2 - save your own DX-Cluster-server data)



In this window you can enter up to 12 different IP-adresses plus port-numbers for your desired DX-Clusters. After entering the desired data, you can use the button "save all entries" to durable save the made entries to the system. If you made wrong entries, you can recall the last configuration by using the button "refresh". Please note, that this will work only if you don't have saved the wrong entries before.

With the small arrow-buttons you'll be able to take over the desired entry to the first window. This entry will appear in the textboxes for the IP-adress and the port number then (refer to picture 1.1).

With the button "CONNECT" you can start the connection to the desired DX-Cluster server. If everything went fine, you can see an answer from the server in the bigger textbox. Unfortuneately we can't tell you how this answer can look like. Due to the fact that every server can use other commands and other answers we can't generally tell you how to operate these servers. If you made some experience with packed radio before, you'll see no difference, as it's nearly the same behavior like packed radio on air.


With the small checkbox "Send received data to VFO display" you can initiate sending the received DX-Cluster data to a special textbox in the VFO-display.


With the button "DISCONNECT" you can cut off the connection to the server. The button "EXIT" will end the function and will close the window.