Copyright Information



FT100-SuperControl� 2002 by Peter Pfisterer, DH1NGP


FT100-SuperControl� 2002 by Peter Pfisterer, DH1NGP


SuperControl� 1999-2002 by Peter Pfisterer, DH1NGP


SuperControl� 1999-2002 by Peter Pfisterer, DH1NGP


All rights reserved worldwide




Entire contents copyright 1999 � 2002 by Peter Pfisterer, DH1NGP (SuperControl technologies)


FT100-SuperControl�  and its accompanying programs and files are protected by copyright 1999 - 2002 by Peter Pfisterer, DH1NGP.  No portion of these programs or files may be sold, given away, reproduced, or otherwise distributed without written permission from the author. Licensees have the non-exclusive right to use these programs and files, but they do not own them; title to the programs and files is retained by the author.


Warranty: This software is licensed "as-is." The author warrants that, for a period of 30 days after receipt, the physical media are free from defects in materials and workmanship.  This warranty does not cover damage due to accident, abuse, misuse, or improper installation of the product.  This warranty explicitly excludes incidental and consequential damages.

It is not allowed, to pass any information about the licence numbers or the licence number itself, to other people which are not registered. These licence numbers are unique and are made for registered users only for their sole usage.





The limited shareware version, which can be downloaded from our homepage, can be passed or copied to other persons, as long as the files are not being modified and as long as the whole archives, or the contents of these archives are not being touched or changed in any way.


It is not allowed, to pass the licence number or a copy of any registered shareware version of FT100-SuperControl�, to other people which are not registered.

Uploading to other servers in the internet without the permission of the author is not allowed.