


The first steps:


First you should connect your computer to the FT-100-transceiver with a special serial interface cable (Yaesu CT-62). You can purchase such an interface-cable in your local radio store, or you can solder it by yourself. You can find a lot of hints how to do that in the internet.


Please start the FT847-SuperControl� program now. The next step is to configure the program serial speed via the menu "configuration -> serial port". You now have the possibility to choose between serial ports COM1 to COM8. Unfortuneately it is not possible to use other communication speeds than 4800 Baud. This is not a fault of the software, but it was a decision of Yaesu. After your selection, you can push the "OK"-button. With this button your entry will be saved to the windows-registry database for later usage (refer to picture 1.1)


If you are an owner of a rotor or a hardware with EasyComm capabilities, you can set up a second serial port for it. The special memories can be used to send AZ/EL-data or other EasyComm commands via the second serial port then. If you want to use this function, please turn it on, by activating the "Rotor-interface serial port on" checkbox. Please don't forget to choose the desired second free serial port and speed first. Please note, that an entry here don't affects the ARS-rotator interface. The ARS-rotator interface has it's own program part in FT100-SuperControl !



(picture 1.1 � serial port configuration)



For your first steps with FT100-SuperControl�, it might by useful to you, to switch on tooltip-texts. If you move your mouse over any button in the root program window, a small help text will appear. To turn on this feature, please go to the menu "configuration -> tooltips". Please choose your language and push the "OK"-button to save this entry (refer to picture 1.2). You can turn on this feature by pushing the "TIPS ON"-button in the root program window of FT100-SuperControl�.



(picture 1.2 � tooltip configuration)



FT100-SuperControl� is now configured correctly and is ready for your first try.