logo.gif 11kb HOMEPAGE


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This is the Homepage of ANDreas. In his free time he spent a lot of time in packet radio.

What is packet radio?

Packet radio is digital communications via amateur radio. Packet radio takes any digital data stream and sends that via radio to another amateur radio station. Packet radio is so named because it sends the data in small burst, or packets .

What is amateur radio?

Amateur Radio (sometimes called Ham Radio) is individuals using specified radio frequencies for personal enjoyment, experimentation, and the continuation of the radio art. Amateur radio operators must be licensed by their government. Normally, a test on operating practices, radio theory, and in some cases morse code proficiency test is administered. Amateur radio is not to be used for commercial purposes. Also, amateur radio operators are restricted from using profanity and using amateur radio for illegal purposes.

What can I do on packet radio?

Like other digital communications modes, packet radio can be used to talk to other amateurs. For those who cannot use HF frequencies, 2 amateurs can talk to each other from long distances using the packet radio network. Many cities have Nodes and a packet Bulletin Board System (BBS) attached to their local packet network. Amateurs can check into the BBS's and read messages from other packet users on almost any topic. Nodes and BBS's are networked together over the packet network to allow messages to reach a broader audience than your local BBS users. Private messages may also be sent to other packet operators, either locally or who use other BBSs. Popular Nodesystems are Flexnet, TNN, TNOS and popular Bulletin Board Systems are Baybox, DP and FBB.


All programs are remote-utils for packet-radio systems.
filename version system bytes date description output
Servers for FBB Mailbox
hangman.zip v1dos/win1837301.10.1998Online game example
topcon.zip v6dos/win932304.09.1997shows the best connected stations example
requsr.zip v14r1dos/win1564911.10.1998Server version of Userinfo v14 example
userinfo.zip v14dos/win1028601.10.1997shows informations about callsigns example
wplist.zip v1dos/win1682212.06.1998sort mailbox entries from wp.sys file example
Servers for TheNetNode
tnntop.zip v1.11dos/gnu2537906.04.1998shows the best connected stations (german) example
tnntop.tgz v1.11linux658506.04.1998shows the best connected stations (german) example

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