My Way To Ham And CB Radio

In summer 1990 four friends thought about how practically it would be to be within reach while they are not at home. I've been one of these friends.
We couldn't afford handies. So we decided to install CB radio sets into our cars. Said and done! My first CB radio set was a DNT Contact II with 40 channels FM. It was prepared to let you change the channels at the mike (what a feature ;-)
Right after adjusting our antennas we found out there where a lot of other CB radio friends. We've been welcome and they told us about the secrets of the CB radio language. Today this round still exists and is growing more and more.
Since that time I've been on air at Hattingen(german link), Sprockhövel and the neighborhood on the CB channels 33 and 29 as CUBITUS.
Later I installed a PAN PC40 into my car. And so I discovered the practicle advantage of channel 9 AM on german highways.

In the year 1995 there was the interest for the unknown and respectful.
The four friends went to a ham course of the DARC local chapter Hattingen(german link). The ham radio lost a little bit of its respect. And a short year later the four friends made the class 2 test. As DG5DDF, DG6DDF, DG8DDF (that's me) and DG9DDF they became members of the DARC(german link) in march 1996.

{picture: Oskar}
ham & CB radio
deutsche Version
E. Tiggemann