MISSION STS-112 -- 15TH ISS FLIGHT (9A) - BA, ITS S1 VEHICLE: Atlantis/OV-104 TARGET LAUNCH DATE: Sept. 28, 2002 NET TARGET LANDING DATE: Oct. 9, 2002 MISSION DURATION: 11 days CREW: Ashby, Melroy, Wolf, Sellers, Magnus, Yurchikhin ORBITAL ALTITUDE AND INCLINATION: 122 nautical miles, 51.6 degrees Shuttle Processing Note: Processing continues for the STS-112 launch to the International Space Station. All three of Atlantis' main engines have been installed. Main propulsion system leak checks and heat shield installation are in work. Engineering evaluation continues on the cracks found in the bearings located in the JEL (jacking, equalization and leveling) cylinders on Crawler Transporter No. 2. Technicians have removed eight of the 16 cylinders on Crawler No.2 to perform visual inspection of the bearings, while managers assess possible options for repair.