ISS Amateur Radio Status: April 25, 2001 ISS Packet Chat Room activated April 25 Susan Helms ISS voice Cosmonaut day, 200 contacts ARISS Meeting May 2001 Mount Everest? By Miles Mann WF1F, MAREX-NA (Manned Amateur Radio Experiment, North American Division) ISS Packet Chat Room activated April 25: Hi everyone, as some of you have seen, the ISS Chat Room packet was activated last week. And to my pleasant surprise we had both Packet and Voice contact with ISS during the Shuttle docking, which was completely unexpected. Susan Helms and Jim Voss have both been active randomly last week and the Packet system chat room has also be active most of the week. I had the pleasure of talking to Susan Helms a few times this past week. The public was kind to Susan this week and did not over load her too much. She worked several beginners in the eastern half of the USA. RX 145.800 TX 144.490 Susan is a beginner at working "pile-up" on the ham band, Please be kind. She is try to use the new ham jargon, CQ and QRZ. And she is getting good at it. So, here are a few tips to follow: 1. Wait for her to say CQ or QRZ before calling. 2. If she is talking so someone else, please wait for her to say CQ/QRZ. 3. When you call her speak slowly and say your call with each transmission followed by OVER. Good Luck and remember, she is still learning, lets make it easy for her. Current ISS crew: Expedition Two crew, Commander Yury Usachev, Flight Engineers Jim Voss and Susan Helms STS 100 is currently docked with ISS Cosmonauts Day, April 12: The ISS crew was very busy as usual on Cosmonauts day, however Yury Usachev was able to take some time and talk to over 200 stations in Europe and Asia during a few of the planned orbits over Europe. There may have been a frequency mix-up which is why no calls were heard over North America. (We have a common world wide ISS frequency for packet , but not for voice) ARISS Meeting May 2001: The next ARISS meeting will take place the first week of May in Amsterdam. These meetings are where amateur radio representatives from around the world sit down and plan the future for Amateur Radio projects for ISS. The MAREX team was very please to be invited to the upcoming meetings and we plan on delivering the Flight Test version of ours SpaceCam1 Slow Scan TV project during the meeting. (lets keep our fingers crossed for a launch soon)