ISS Amateur Radio Status: October 19, 2002 ISS Packet System, 2400 email messages in 7 months by Miles Mann WF1F, MAREX-NA News Manned Amateur Radio Experiment, North American Division ISS Packet System, 2400 email messages in 7 months The ISS packet mail systems mailbox (Personal Message System) was activated on February 21, 2002. Since then the system has been on the air for over 98% of the time (The rules require the Amateur Radio equipment on ISS to be turned off during docking missions). The Packet mailbox has handled over 2400 packet mail message to and from the ISS crew in 7 months. The first message from the ISS crew was to Sergej Samburov RV3DR (RSA Amateur Radio Project manager). First message from ISS via Packet Radio: RS0ISS-1>W4SV [02/22/02 10:03:00]: <> :Msg # Stat Date Time To From @ BBS Subject 1 P 02/02/21 16:01> RV3DR NN1SS ISS Packet Working On October 3, 2002 the message counter was at 2397, with about 20 new messages arriving daily. That is an average of 340 messages per month. RS0ISS>VE2FDA [10/03/02 19:57:10]: <>:Message saved as Msg # 2397 The packet system message counter was reset on October 8, 2002 back to message number 1 as part of a planed reconfiguration of the PMS. One of the parameters, which changed, was the call sign of the Mailbox. The call sign of the PMS mailbox has changed from RS0ISS to RS0ISS-1 (rs ZERO iss dash ONE). The old call RS0ISS is not being used. If you connect to the RS0ISS port, all of you data will go into the giant bit bucket in the sky. Message counters after the reset on October 8, 2002 RS0ISS-1>WF1F [10/08/02 15:01:58]: <>: Msg # Stat Date Time To From @ BBS Subject 5 P 02/10/08 19:00 RS0ISS WF1F welcome shuttle 3 P 02/10/08 18:22 ALL RS0ISS SHUTTL STS-112 ARRIVING 1 P 02/10/08 17:57 ALL RS0ISS THE PACKET'S FREQUENCY OF ISS!! For more information on how to use the ISS Amateur Radio packet system, please review the suggested operating procedures on the MAREX web page.