ISS - Data


Spannweite 108,6 Meter
Länge 79,9 Meter
Tiefe 88 Meter
Rauminhalt 1140 Kubikmeter
Gewicht 450 Tonnen
Flughöhe 400 km
Umlaufbahn 51,6 Grad Neigung/Äquator
Erdumlauf 90 Minuten
Elektrische Leistung 110 Kilowatt
Fertigbauteile 80
Montageflüge 45
Aufbauphase 1998 - 2003
Besatzung ständig, bis zu sieben Personen
Routinebetrieb 2003-2013
Lebensdauer etwa 10 Jahre
Gesamtkosten 1985-2013: etwa 100 Mrd $

Soyuz TMA Manned Transport Spacecraft

The modified Soyuz TMA manned transport spacecraft has been developed on the basis of a Soyuz TM spacecraft in accordance with intergovernmental agreements between Russia and the USA and is an integral part of the Orbital Station Complex. The main purpose of the manned transport spacecraft is to provide rescue of the main crew of the station and delivery of special visiting crews.

Progress - Cargo Transport Spacecraft

The Progress resupply vehicle is an automated, unpiloted version of the Soyuz spacecraft that is used to bring supplies and fuel to the International Space Station. The Progress also has the ability to raise the station's altitude and control the orientation of the station using the vehicle's thrusters.

Seit dem 24.11.98 waren auf den ISS-Seiten bereits ISS-Counter Besucher.

Hier kannst du mir was mitteilen: Torsten Fechner (dg7ro at darc . de)