* MIR NEWS * ============ The new packet radio TNC on-board is currently suffering from a problem that is the result of improper parameters being entered into the TNC. The TNC is not properly interpreting the DCD (data carrier detect) logic, and thinks the uplink frequency is busy most of the time, even when it is clear. The internal timers in the modem will periodically respond to packet data, and dump the contents of the TNC's transmit buffer in a long transmission. Groundstations are asked to refrain from using the Mir PMS until the crew has time to correct the problem. This request also applies to those who, despite repeated requests, continue to digipeat beacons and holiday greetings via the Mir TNC. The MIREX teams is hopeful that the problem with the TNC can be cleared up before the end of the year. In the meantime, here is a list of the commands interpreted by the new TNC on Mir: LL n LIST LAST n MESSAGES LM(ine) LIST UNREAD MESSAGES ADDRESSED TO YOU LO [+|-] LISTING ORDER LT LIST TRAFFIC LTn DISPLAY LOCATION TEXT n=1-4 K(ill) n DELETE MESSAGE NUMBER n KM(ine) DELETE ALL READ MESSAGES ADDRESSED TO YOU R(ead) n DISPLAY MESSAGE NUMBER n RH n DISPLAY MESSAGE n WITH HEADERS RM(ine) READ ALL MESSAGES ADDRESSED TO YOU S(end) call SEND MESSAGE TO callsign S[B|P|T] call SEND BULLETIN, PRIVATE, or TRAFFIC [Info via the AMSAT News Service, WF1F, and CT1EAT]