Mir / ISS status report May 30, 2000 By Miles Mann WF1F, MAREX-NA (Manned Amateur Radio Experiment, North American Division) The Mir crew (Sergei Zalyotin and Alexander Kaleri ) will return to Earth on June 16, 2000. Their mission began on April 4, 2000 for a planed 70+-day mission. After June 16, the Mir station will then fly on remote control for approximate 5 months. Then in November 2000, a new crew move in to the Mir Space Station (Cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov is currently on the list). The Mir Space Station will be 15 years on in February 2001. The November crew is planning on celebrating the 15th anniversary of the space station from the Mir Station. Mir Amateur Radio Status: No activity last week because of a heavy work load. However the crew is just about caught up and we expect some activity soon. We hope that the worldwide amateur radio community understands the reasons why the crew has not been very active with the amateur radio experiments. If time and schedules permit, then we may see some activity before the crew comes home next month. Frequency 145.985 FM simplex SSTV: Best Shots from April 2000 http://siliconpixels.com/marex/mirshots/ Suggested Receiving Station for Satellite SSTV Images. http://www.siliconpixels.com/marex/MirSSTVStation.htm