Progress-M41: This freighter was launched from Baykonur on 2.04.1999 at 11.28.43UTC. If all continues to go well the Pr-M41 will dock at MIR on 4.04.1999 at 1251UTC. Pr-M41 has to dock at the forward docking port of the complex (transition section, -X axis). Pr-M41 has 2.5 tons cargo on board consisting of fuel, food, water and scientific research material, mainly for the experiments which Haignere will execute in the Perseus program. On board are also 18 live lizards for the Russian-French biological experiment Genesis. During the 4th pass of Pr-M41 the telemetry and beaconsignals in the 166, 165 and 922.755 mc bands could be heard here between 16.03.35 - 16.06.30UTC. During the 5th pass the signals were very strong in those bands between 17.32.50 and 17.39.00UTC. With the signals on 922.755 mc I could determine the TCA (time closest approach) at 17.35.12UTC. Communications: On 28.03.1999 the ONA (the antenna for communications via the geostationary satellite Luch-1/Gelios) was unserviceable. It was impossible to aim the antenne in the direction of the satellite. Now and then during radio-traffic on 143.625 and 130.16 5 mc an automatic female voice can be heard reporting that, for instance, it will last still a minute until MIR is in range of the groundstation, but also when MIR is entering the eclips. The calculations are made by the Sigma-computer. Last week the UKW-2, 130.165 mc was regularly in use instead of the 143.625 mc. Possibly to avoid cross-modulation with transmissions on the radio-amateur frequencies. For radio-amateur traffic the 145.985 (Phone and Packet Radio) and the 145.940 mc (Phone) are in use. Haignere is a very skilled and active radio-amateur. Often he switches from the the 145.985 to the 145.940 mc when MIR comes in range of Moscow. Haignere uses this frequency to speak with his wife Claudie or with Frenchmen over there. Avdeyev also can be heard on that frequency, but for conversations with his wife he tried to arrange the use of a frequency in the 144 mc band. Thusfar without results. Status Mrs van den Berg: The situation is no longer life treathening. She is now in hospital and will have to stay there for a long time. The future is not predictable so far. To recuperate from the he ctic and stressful passed months I take some rest for a while. In about 10 days I hope as good as possible to resume my activities. Herewith I thank those friends who supported me with their sympathy and good wishes.