* INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION NEWS * ==================================== NASA recently named the first team members to live and work aboard the International Space Station, and four crew members already hold amateur radio operator's licenses. In addition, several of the crew members are studying for their licenses. The first crew will consist of American astronaut William M. Shepherd, as the expedition commander. Shepherd is currently studying for his license. He'll be accompanied by Russian cosmonauts Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev, U5MIR. The crew is training for an early 1999 launch and a planned five-month mission on the ISS. The second crew, headed by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Usachev, R3MIR, will include US astronauts Susan Helms, KC7NHZ, and James S. Voss, who's indicated an interest in getting his ham license. No licensed hams are among the third crew, which will be headed by astronaut Kenneth Bowersox and will include Russian crewmates Vladimir Dezhurov and Mikahil Turin. Bowersox also has said he'd like to get his ham license. Russian cosmonaut Yuri Onufrienko will head the fourth crew. US astronauts Carl Walz, KC5TIE, and Daniel Bursch will accompany him. AMSAT-NA's VP of Manned Space, Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, reports that the international team developing the ISS ham radio station is now working hard to incorporate a transportable ham station for ISS, and deliver this equipment to the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas for flight certification in June, 1998. Initially, ISS crews will inhabit the service module, which will include a ham radio antenna, with ham gear scheduled to be delivered aboard the STS-96 shuttle flight. Microsat/repeater payloads are tentatively scheduled to arrive in early 2002, expanding ham radio capability aboard the station. [Info via the AMSAT News Service]