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Hi and welcome!

Here is some info about me and hamradio.

My name is Manfred Heyne.

I live in Greven, a City in the northern part of Germany.

Here is an older picture of me.

It was taken around 1965, when my interest in amateur radio was just starting.

I got my first licence 1973, restricted for VHF use. My call was DC0QQ.

1 year later I got the full licence after passing the cw test.

Since that time you could have heard my signal on the bands from 3.5 to 430 MHz. Main line of activity was on 10, 15 and 20 meters.

Nowadays I like the new bands a lot and you will find me there more often, than on the old classic bands.

My equipment is a IC 753, a homebrew linear amp (which I never use), a delta loop antenna for the upper bands

and a 40-meters long wire for the lower bands.

My QSL address is:

via buro

For my full address, email me.




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