Starts :0001GMT Saturday

Ends : 2400 GMT Sunday

It’s Jamboree time again! Time for Scouts and Girl Scouts, Girl Guides , Scouts leaders and anyone interested, to meet on the air for a weekend of good Scout talk. It gives amateurs and Scouts world wide a chance to listen to or             talk with other.



One of my particular interest it’s on promote Hamradio, the exchange is just good Scout talk about Scouting experiences, ham radio and friendship greetings, may of which may lead to lasting pen-pal exchanges. If you never have been scout talk to some scouts about hamradio and give them the thrill of talking to you. This Annual Scouting/Ham radio event is sponsored by the World Scout Bureau Most operations will occur during period 0001GMt Saturday to 2400GMT Sunday, but since this is not a contest, operations may started on Friday. No required contact format, no specific exchange, just Scouting fun. Scout frequencies published by the World Bureau are as follows: Phone:3740,3940,7090,14240,18140, 24960 and 28390 CW:3590,7030,14070,18080,21140, 24910 and 28190. Any authorized frequency may be used. It is recommend using the agreed World Scout Frequencies or frequencies closes for easy way to find.

Post-card size certificates issued by the World Bureau are available by JOTA Country Coordinator.


There should be activity from about 100 countries, just enough for DXCC! If you are lucky you can work an Jamboree stations on camping on rare Island or either on Lighthouse.Logs or lists of participantes are not required, but reports of activity and photos are welcome(contact Scout photographer or reporter ). All participating groups scouts or guides scouts are asked to send this report of thei activities concerning Jamboree to their National JOTA Organizer in the final of Jamboree. Remember if you have been invited by Scouts or Guides please don’t refuse. Every country where Scouting exists , radio amateur throughout rthe world are very keen helping scouts to participate on Jamboree-om-the-air.
Many stations operating on the Jamboree are Special Event with "rare" prefix , like SU9JOTA it's special Jamboree Station From Egypt or 3V8SC from Tunisia or GB2JOTA from UK or SC0UT from Sweden. In many countries Scout Jamboree is much more than meeting for scouts and guides is a "Big party" . Scouts as the chance to know more about Hamradio and electronic , computers. Of course Hamradio operateurs learn a litle more about Scouting activities and this way of living with nature .





SCOUTS AND GIRL GUIDES TOGETHER PROMOTE "Friendship & courtesy " through Amateur Radio

If you operating during Jamboree don't forget to call " CQ JAMBOREE"

Please oberve the National Amateur radio regulations.



80MTS 3.740 kHz & 3.940 kHz 3.590 kHz
40MTS 7.090 kHz 7.030 kHz
20MTS 14.290 kHz 14.070 kHz
17MTS 18.140 kHz 18.080 kHz
15MTS 21.360 kHz 21.140 kHz
12MTS 24.960 kHz 24.910 kHz
10MTS 28.390 kHz 28.190 kHz

Please participate! Enjoy JOTA. The radio stations are operated by licensed ham radio operators.