Configuration for ARI International DX Contest

Select SD Type 10 - General, Area and Country Multipliers.

..MLT File            : ITALY
..CTY File            : DXCC
Multipliers Count     : B (by band)
Points per QSO        : 0 (variable)
Pts/Bonus             : 0 (multipliers)
Points per Area QSO   : 10 (QSOs with Italy)
Non-area QSOs count as multipliers    : Y
Points vary by mode?  : N
            by band?  : N
        by location?  : Y
Points                : 0,1,3  (Own country, own continent, other continents)
Receive serial from Italian (Area) QSOs?  : N
Starting Mode         : CW or SSB (your choice)
Mixed-mode?           : Y/N (your choice)
Multipliers count on both modes?      : N (asked only if you're mixed-mode)
Work same station on both modes?      : Y (asked only if you're mixed-mode)