F.C.C. Amateur Radio Callsign Look-Up

Courtesy of WM7D

Search criteria:
Callsign:     (Exact Callsign Only) 

or any combination of Name, and/or City, State or Zip code:

Name:         (Last Name, First Name) 
Partial names are ok.
City, State: , 
Zip Code:     Zip code must be an exact match. NO WILDCARDS
Maximum number of records to return (Max = 1000)
Club Search: 

Yesterday's updates: Sorted by call or Sorted by name
Lists all callsigns issued or updated since midnight yesterday.

Vanity calls issued or updated: Yesterday
Lists all vanity callsigns issued or updated since midnight yesterday.

Callsigns issued/updated reports for the past week.

Update database information:

Callsign: (Exact Callsign Only)

This search engine is written to access a copy of the FCC database. There is no DIRECT access to the FCC with this search engine. Updates occur daily, and are based on information made available by the FCC at FTP.FCC.GOV. For more information, check the README.TXT file at the FCC's ftp site. This is an evolving database. Please let me know if you experience problems with any feature that may (or may not) have worked before.