Modifications for the Standard C-160

19-07-1998 C160/168 for frequency spread and AM mode English language

19-07-1998 C160/168 for frequency spread and AM mode

When you buy your C-160 you can only Rx-Tx strictly between 144-146 MHz and only FM. Frequency shift is also blocked (why?). At least European models are like that.

To enable full features for your RIG:
you have to desolder an SMD transistor and resolder it as a diode. Handle with care because the SMD is small and the operation is rather delicate.

Below is a diagram to do this (I hope it wouldn't be a problem to understand it but this medium is fairly restrictive for graphics).

   /===                                      +----+            +----+
   +   +               /---                  +-||-+            +-||-+
   | +---+    +---+    |   |                    ||                ||
 /-+-+---+----+---+----+---+---              +-++----------------++-+
 |                             |   Before ->  |         A  Z         |
 |     CONTROL       UNIT      |              +----------++----------+
 |                             |                         ||
 |                             |                       +-||-+
 |                             |                       +----+
 |        ||||||||||           |
 ---   -++++++++++-          |
     |   -+        +-  :--:    |
     |   -+        +-  :--:    |              +----+            +----+
     |   -++++++++++-      :-: |              +-\-+            +----+
     |    ||||||||||       | | |                  \  /
     |              :|-|:  :-: |           \       \   
     |    this  --> :-|-:      |             \   /   Z  /
     |  transistor             |   After ->    \      /
     |                         |              /   A  \
     |                /--------+                  /   \
     |                |DC JACK |                /     +-\-+
     |                --------+                       +----+
You'll have to reset your RIG after the modification
( F + 0, F + 3, F + 0, F + 1 )

New available functions:
I'm using a Standard C160 with this mod and I am very satisfied with.
73 de YO3GGH !