serdar at happy camper school "Happy Camper" school at McMurdo

How to build a snow wall to protect your tent from the wind:
Out of the packed snow, cut some bricks.
Then stack them in a semicircular wall.
Pitch your tents and complete the circle, but don't forget to leave an entryway.

It is bright out there, so don't forget your sunblock.

The three of us instead slept in this snowmound.

After all that, we carved out a dining area out of the snow. There was a snow wall to break the wind, and we dug out trenches to make bench seats. We set up the stoves to heat some water and had hot drinks and a rehydrated chili dinner. It was so good that a skua (a scavenger bird that resembles a sea gull) came to visit and look for his share.

Later, I saw my first penguin. This one was made from snow as an after-dinner activity.

Read more of the story about Snow School in Bob Swift's page.

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