Activity Archive for 2009


Business and BOD Actions: Board of Directors Ed Cole, KL7UW, Paul Kiesel, K7CW, and Robert Rowley, AL2B. NOTE! Election of Board Members is coming! Nominations are open May 1-31; Elections June 1-30. See the Constitution and By-Laws for the rules for nominations and election. Eight members voted with the result that Ed Cole, KL7UW, Paul Kiesel, K7CW, and Robert Rowley, AL2B were re-elected to the board for another two years AVG Officers July 2009-2011:
  • President - Ed Cole, KL7UW
  • Vice President - Dale Hershberger, KL7XJ
  • Secretary - Treasurer - TBA
  • Contest/Awards Chair - Paul Kiesel, K7CW
  • Webmaster - Ed Cole, KL7UW
The annual meeting be held concurrent with the Anchorage Hamfest at noon, Sept. 19th, and during the Annual PNWVHFS Conference, just before noon on Saturday, Oct. 10th. This should provide a convenient time and reasonable accessibility for the majority of members. Members are encouraged to report their activities/projects for inclusion on this webpage for all to read. The AVG webpage serves as the Newsletter of events and activities (see archives of previous years activities at end of this page).
NEW Alaska VHF-UP Award: The Board of Directors has reviewed and accepted a new award. No negative votes were received from the AVG membership, so the award is approved and is now in effect.
Suggested operating frequencies
6M 50.110/50.125 HORZ 50.30 VERT
2M 144.200 VERT 146.58 VERT
1.25M 222.100 VERT 223.50 VERT
70CM 432.100 VERT 446.00 VERT
23CM 1296.100 VERT 1294.50 VERT

ARRL JANUARY VHF Sweepstakes Contest: Jan 17-18, 2009: The contest begins 10:00 am AST Saturday and ends 7:00 pm Sunday. Operate all bands 50-MHz and higher. For details go to the ARRL contest webpage: January VHF Sweepstakes. ARRL JUNE VHF QSO Party: June 13-14, 2009: The contest begins 10:00 am AST Saturday and ends 7:00 pm Sunday. Operate all bands 50-MHz and higher. For details go to the ARRL contest webpage: June VHF QSO Party. ARRL SEPTEMBER VHF QSO Party: Sept. 12-13, 2009: The contest begins 10:00 am AST Saturday and ends 7:00 pm Sunday. Operate all bands 50-MHz and higher. For details go to the ARRL contest webpage: Sept. VHF QSO Party. Send me your plans for the contest to be listed here: All members in Alaska are encouraged to submit a contest entry and log to the ARRL. The September contest is a club competition activity, so be sure to note that your club is "Alaska VHF-Up Group" on your contest entry. EME Contests: Here is a link to the EME Page for the dates. VHF-Up DX Record: Here is the preliminary DX Record spreadsheet.