The Personal Web Page of

Tom Baugh

RADIO PAGES Amateur Radio has become a hobby which I enjoy. First introduced in 1997 by Neighbor Bob Drake (KB9NJP) after asking the retired Electrical Engineer if he'd build me a C.B. (11 Meter) Amp. Now I have experienced most aspects of Ham radio including, public service events UHF, VHF, SSB, CW, RTTY, DXing including a trip to Curacao and my current passion Contesting.

For more information about Amateur Radio, please visit my most active Web pages, The RADIO PAGE. Included are links to other sites as well as many pictures of my station, antennas, contest results. Thanks for viewing this page and I hope to hear you down the log.




A Graduate from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. I have a loyalty to them for the excellent education I received. As a scholarship athlete and member of the 1983 National Championship team who went on to play for the Kansas City Chiefs and Cleveland Browns,  I am indebted to the University for the opportunities I received. I established a group called the "Friends of Saluki Football" (FOSF) which maintains a network of past players, and raises funds to help specifically Football, at the University.

For more information about Southern Illinois University and the Saluki Football Team visit my SALUKI PAGE.



The Baugh family was Established in June of 1986 when I married my High School Sweetheart Jeannie. Since then we have traveled from Missouri to Ohio to Illinois and back again to Missouri now putting roots down in the small town of Lone Jack outside of Kansas City. Lone Jack is a peaceful community with good family values. With two of the greatest kids and a great black lab named KC Jeannie and I are very happily married and raising our family

Inside the Family Page you'll find space I've provided for each of the members of the family. They have their own ways of expressing themselves.