; bw 15 sept 2000 ; first attempt at pic programming for the 16F876 part. ; derived from the wiggle1.asm for the 16F84 part. LIST P=16F876, R=DEC INCLUDE "P16f876.inc" __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _LVP_ON & _XT_OSC & _PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF & _BODEN_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _WRT_ENABLE_ON & _DEBUG_OFF ORG 0 GOTO Start org 0x50 Start CLRF STATUS CLRF PORTC BSF STATUS, RP0 MOVLW 0xE7 ; make rc4 (pin 15) and rc3 (pin 14) outputs. others inputs MOVWF TRISC BCF STATUS, RP0 Loop BSF PORTC,3 ; wiggle pin 14 of chip BCF PORTC,3 BSF PORTC,4 ; wiggle pin 15 of chip BCF PORTC,4 GOTO Loop END