27 Sept 2000 bw My LCD is digikey part 73-1012-ND, Optrex DMC-16117A, 16x1 char. Please note: It acts more like a 8x2 display. Chars 9-16 begin at location 40. This LCD needs only +5V. For contrast, I used a 10K pot, with +5V on one end, and GND on the other end. The wiper (middle) goes to pin 3 of the LCD. I have lots of pins on the PIC16F876, so I waste 6 of them on this LCD interface. I operate the LCD in the 4 bit (nibble) mode. If I decide later on that I need some of those pins back, I will try the shift register approach that many other folks are using to save pins. LCD Wiring: LCD PIC16F876 MODULE PIN # 1 GND 2 +5V 3 POT WIPER 4 PIC pin 6 lcd RS signal, pic RA4 5 GND lcd r/w. I don't care to read back 6 PIC pin 7 lcd E signal, pic RA5 11 PIC pin 11 lcd DB4, pic RC0 12 PIC pin 12 lcd DB5, pic RC1 13 PIC pin 13 lcd DB6, pic RC2 14 PIC pin 14 lcd DB7, pic RC3