The A.A.R.S. original documents

"The Army Links Up With The Amateur"

A. R. R. L. Promotes Plan for Cooperation Between the Signal Corps and Transmitting Amateurs

The Army and the Amateur have joined hands in a cooperative program that will make use of the services of an amateur station for every unit of the National Guard and
Organized Reserves throughout the country, with the opportunity to handle Army traffic and get a brand-new fascination out of brasspounding. For several years officers of the A.R.R.L. and of the Signal Corps have been discussing the possibilities of such a plan, and about a year ago it got actualy under way. In March of this year a board of army officers appointed by the Chief Signal Officers met with the League's Executive Committee at Hartford, and there the details of the plan were drafted. Now the War Department has authorized our publication of the plan and indicates that the A.R.R. L. will be requested to act as the representative of the amateurs thereunder. The Chief Signal Officer writes President Maxim as follows:


Office of the Chief Signal Officer Washington

                         August 7, 1925.

Mr. Hiram Percy Max', President,
American Radio Relay League,
Hartford, Conn.

Dear Mr. Maxim: 

      There is attached hereto a plan for the affiliatiom of the Signal Corps with the transmitting radio amateurs of the United States. It contains the basic features discussed by pour representatives and the representatives of this once at the conference held in March of this year.
The Chief Signal Ofhcer
has been authorized by the War Department to commumicate this plan to the officials of the American Radio Relay League. It may be publish,ed as a plan promoted by the League under the approval of the War Department. Upon notification from, the officials of the League that its reception by members justifies placing the plan in operation, the Chief Signal Officer has been directed to submit the entire plan to the War Department for approval and tramsmission to corps area commanders.
The third paragraph, of this plan leaves the selection of the national civilian organization to best represent the interests of the transmitting radio amateurs of the country to the discretion of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, subject to the approval of the
War Department.

The American Radio Relay League is, in  the opinion of this office, fitted to serve as the representative of the transmitting radio amateurs of the country. This opinion seems to be well substantiated by the fact that, in the past, the officials of the League have acted as the representatives of the transmitting amateurs at, various conferences held by other departments of the federal Government. The Signal Corps also appreciate the splendid spirit of cooperation shown by the officials of the League in working out the details of tkis plan.