During August, 2001, Rick Campbell (KK7B), Russ Carpenter (AA7QU), Roger Hayward (KA7EXM), Wes Hayward (W7ZOI), Ed Kessler (AA3SJ), Bob Larkin (W7PUA), Derry Spittle (VE7QK), Allan Taylor (K7GT), Dan Taylor, and Brian Wingert (N7RVD) spent a three-day weekend in the Jefferson Wilderness Area of the Oregon Cascades, participating in the first Adventure Radio Society Rendezvous. Our hosts, Russ and Wes, did an excellent job, organizing the event, picking a site, keeping us fed, and making sure we didn't get lost.
From Left to Right: Bob (W7PUA), Ed (AA3SJ), Derry (VE7QK), Russ (AA7QU), Rick (KK7B), Brian (N7RVD), Allan (K7GT), and Wes (W7ZOI). Roger (KA7EXM) is not in the photo. Dan was taking the pictures that morning. Photo credits for the two photos above go to Russ Carpenter and his digital camera.

Click Here For a Topographic Map of the Area

An Adventure!
For me this was a mini-adventure: I had to take a 2.5 hour drive from my home near Millersburg, PA, to BWI International Airport in Washington D.C., transfer planes in Chicago and fly to Portland, OR, arriving at 4:00 pm PDT. Next I rented a car and drove about 2 hours south to a little town named, Gates, which was about 1 hour from the trail head at Santiam Pass. My stay in Gates was interesting. I arrived in town at 8:30 pm and rented a motel room. A few minutes later I went to a Mexican restaurant and placed my order. After placing the order, all the electrical service to the town shut down, and there I sat -- the only customer in a completely dark restaurant in a completely dark town. The very Mexican owner, after putting an empty beer bottle on my table which supported a burning candle, assured me in broken English that he could still cook my meal because he had "new gas grill." After a great meal, I went back to the motel room and proceeded to pack my backpack by candlelight. With no lights and no water I went to bed, having turned on a few lights anyway so they would wake me, if the electricity was restored. At 3:30 am I was awakened to lights and finally had a chance to drink a couple quarts of water so I would be well-hydrated for the hike later on.

After the hike out, I drove about 3.5 hours through wonderful Portland traffic to a real motel only .25 miles from the airport (a shower!). Back to the planes in the morning, I arrived at BWI at 9 PM EDT where my wife picked me up. After a hug, and a "now I know you're crazy," we drove home and pulled in the driveway at midnight. This is what the Adventure Radio Society is all about isn't it? Adventures.

Hiking With Hams!
I am usually a solo backpacker / hiker, and had never hiked with other hams before. This was interesting. I discovered that I could never catch my breath. A few minutes into the hike, I found myself talking radio with Brian and Roger -- so much so that we needed to stop occasionally to fill in the details of the discussion. We also "lost" people who proceeded to be so enthralled with their discussions that they forgot to keep hiking. This also happened on our trek up Maxwell Butte. Bob and Russ kept falling behind, not because they were overwhelmed by the hike, but by the discussion topic. I found this to be quite amusing.
Showing Off Four "Famous" Rigs
First Photo: Derry Spittle (VE7QK) with his Epiphyte; Second Photo: Brian Wingert (N7RVD) and Rick Campbell (KK7B) with Rick's original R2 and MiniR2; Third Photo: Wes Hayward (W7ZOI) with a Micro-Mountaineer.

Photos Around the Campsite
The first photo shows Brian Wingert's (N7RVD) cool homebrew 20 meter QRP rig and matching tuner which was built into old HT cases.