I take no responsible for any information provided. Please Check local regulation before proceed this experiment.

Converter for ordinary radio.

This is the converter which to be add on in between the antenna and the ordinary FM radio. It is feasible to receive from range approx 100Mhz - 200Mhz. To cut the story short.

Circuit diagram and assemble intruction available at Here (PDF) Artwork and component layout (mirrored). Here

Parts list is here
R1 - 12k
R2 - 15k
R3,R5,R10 - 1k
R4 - 2,7k
R6,R7,R12 - 18ohm
R8 22k
R9 - 3,9k
R11 - 1,87k
R13 - 330ohm
R14 - 100ohm

C1 - 100nf
C2, C10 - ceramic trimmer 2,8 - 10pf
C3,C4,C5,C7,C11,C13,C14 - ceramic 2,2nf
C6 - 15pf
C8 - 22uf / 16v
C9 - 33nf
C12 - 33pf

P1 - Potentionmeter 1k
P2 - Potentionmeter 47k

T1,T2 - Transistor SF245 or BF199 or A2F45
D1,D2 - BB329
