My Family

My Father:- I know a very few details about my father. His name was S.A.D.Hendrik Jayasinghe. S,A,D represents Suvanda Arachchige Don. When I was born, nobody could notice that I was born blind. My eyes showed no such symptoms. However , about six months after birth, my mother, father and sisters and the neighbors noticed that I was a totally blind from birth. I am unable to recollect anything about my father. I have heard from my mother and neighbors that he had run away from us when I was a small baby. I don’t know whether he is alive or not . This denied to the love, care and security of a father. However I am now a father of three dear. I love, protect and feed them and look after them as best as I can.


My Mother:- My mother is G.A.D.Jane Nona. G,A,D, represents Gurusingha Arachchige Dona. She was born in 1916, and died on Monday 3rd July 1995, which is an unforgettable day. Her death is an irreparable loss for me. My mother was self employed. Sometimes, she used to work as a labourer and sometimes she used to sell various items at the weekly fair. I can remember she owned a boutique. She faced a sudden death thus she did not pain too much.

I have three sisters. My only brother is already dead. He was the eldest and he was a very stubborn fellow. He came to own all our property. After his marriage my mother gave him everything we owned. After that for more than thirty years we had to live in rented out houses.

My Wife:-

My wife is L.G.Dayawathie She is a sighted lady. After I inserted an advertisement in a Sunday news paper she accepted my invitation to become my wife. She has dedicated her whole life to me. She is my nearest and dearest friend and my life long partner. When I dress well she feels happier than anybody else. She supports me in every possible ways to make my life more meaningful.

My Children:-

I have three daughters. The eldest daughter, Bakmali Dayanthika, is 15 years old and is in grade 10. The second daughter, Ishanka Swarnamali Miyulaxmi is 13 years old and is in grade 7. The youngest daughter, Nishdi Kawshalya is 9 years old and is in grade three.


Last Date of editing this page: Wednesday, December 08, 2004