
The challengers I have faced so far :- In my life my first challenge is totally blindness. I think now I have been able to win that challenge at least 75per cent with the help of the technology and the support of some people. My second challenge is poverty. The satisfied man cannot be seen in the world. I am also one of them. Anyway financially I am partially independent person although I have some problems to be solved. The third challenge I have to face is working with the voluntary organizations and when working with the blind and sighted persons. I fervently hope that these challenges could be overcome if I am strong enough to face them with, courage, selflessness, honesty while respecting and listening to others.



I would like to conclude this biography, thanking all the people who have hither to supported me to realise the aims and goals of my life. I am always indebted to them and remember them. I always believe that the blindness of mine is a gift of nature. Success was not given to me on a silver tray but earned by sheer hard work and a firm commitment and dedication.


Last Edited:-     Saturday, January 12, 2002