3GØY - Easter Island

Zone 12 - IOTA SA-001
Chilean-German DXpedition - March 04 to 19, 2001


3GØY Online log

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QSL via DK7YY via the bureau or direct.

Click here for QSL directions.

Sunset over Easter Island
3GØY QSO statistics
Aside from the fun, work, pain and expenses of the team members, which can hardly be expressed in numbers, the success of a DXpedition can be best measured with the QSO results. And here it is:
             SSB       CW   RTTY    FM      total
   160m        6     1044      0     0       1050
    80m        5     2238      0     0       2243
    40m      106     4133      0     0       4239
    30m        0     4996      0     0       4996
    20m      450     4784    457     0       5691
    17m     1416     5191      0     0       6607
    15m     1743     4552    550     0       6845
    12m     1418     5859      0     0       7277
    10m     4320     6102    703     3      11128
     6m      151      120      0     0        271
            9615    39019   1710     3      50347
Click here to see pictures of the DXpedition and click here to read the DXpedition's diary!


3GØY DXpedition news - updated by DF3CB
Apr 23, 2001
We have found a few sponsors for our DXpedition and would like to express our thanks to them.

Apr 17, 2001
Final QSO statistics published.

Apr 2, 2001
New 3GØY pictures added! Click here to view them.

Mar 21, 2001
The logs in the online log seem to be complete now. The final QSO count has reached almost 50k QSOs! See the QSO statistics above.

Attention: Danilo, XQ1ZW stays on Easter Island and will continue to be active as 3GØY until March 30, using a vertical and a 100W! So, if you still hear 3GØY, it's no pirate!

3GØY DXpedition diary added today! click here to read the DXpedition's diary!

Mar 18, 2001
Latest news arrived, dated Mar 15. 40,250 QSOs (CW/SSB), 1,600 RTTY QSOs and 207 QSOs on 6m.

The operation becomes more and more difficult - one of the two generators cannot be operated anymore. The second generator runs for a maximum of four hours, it has to stand-by then for half an hour until it can be refilled and restarted. Two of the laptops broke so that only three stations can be operated simultaneously.

All equipment is set up in "party" tents and everything gets dirty in the local dryness and at wind. We will have significantly higher costs due to all repairs that crop up. We have no sponsors for our DXpedition and would appreciate any kind of donation to cover our extra expenses for the repairs. Thank you very much!

Mar 13, 2001
31,000 QSOs in CW and SSB now and 1,500 QSOs in RTTY. First 6m QSOs with Europe! Occasional problems with the generators.

We have new 3GØY pictures which reveal the ultimate secrets of the team!!! Click here to discover more!

Mar 12, 2001
We have solved the problems with the RTTY logs and they are displayed now in the online log.

Again, if you enjoyed the performance, have got a new country or band and mode, please take a minute time and sign our guest book to encourage the team. They are reading the guest book on the island!

Mar 10, 2001
The first 3GØY pictures have arrived! Click here to view them.

The QSO count is at 22,000 QSOs and some 1,100 RTTY QSOs now. 6m activity has begun and QSOs were made into Central America, South America, KH6, EA8, CT3 and into the Caribbean.

A few people asked why 3GØY hears so well on 160. KT5X and W5YA worked them on 160m using QRP 5 watts! The team is using beverages to North America and Europe but the locations is very quiet as well.

Mar 9, 2001
6m QSOs with KH6. The QSO total has reached 16,000+ QSOs after four days of operation. This includes 560 QSO's on 160m, 970 QSO's on 80m, 644 QSO's on RTTY and 38 9-band QSOs.

3GØY is partially QRV with 4 stations simultaneously. The weather has been very fine so far with hot temperatures in the 30�C range. The camp station consists of a couple of party tents. It's quite dusty there but the equipment is doing well. Only the generators cause minor problems occasionally.

Mar 8, 2001
18,000 QSOs. Some traffic on 6m.

Mar 7, 2001
The broken generator is repaired. Everybody is happy again and in good shape. The 6m antenna is mounted. Hard work for the low band freaks Dietmar, DL3DXX, and Tom, DL2OAP. We now have 3 verticals, 1 3ele yagi, 5ele for 6m and a log periodic plus a beverage for the low bands. Fish barbecue at 2AM. A forest fire came very close to the camp and antennas. Therefore, the camp is empty now except for the crazy hams. One of the camp toilets burned down.

Mar 6, 2001
10,000 QSOs are in the log. Four stations are running - three of them have amplifiers, one runs barefoot. At night, the big generator gets damaged. Not a very nice night for the generator maintenance team. First RTTY QSOs are done by Juergen, DL7UFN.

Mar 5, 2001
After an oil exchange, the big generator works better and provides 10 volts more. We don't understand that but we are happy. So, the "big one" works for 10 hours, the "small one" works for 4 hours during the big one's "recreation time".

Mar 4, 2001
3GØY is on the air! First spots on 30m. Still building up the stations and working CW pileups on all 9 bands between 160m and 10m. Web page updated, including an Easter Island picture tour.

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visitors | Web Design by DF3CB | last updated Apr 23, 2001